A little more progress..

8 Nov

So I logged in another loss today.  -.6 lbs.  Gah!  I did have a slip up Nov 6th and ate a second meal that I shouldn’t have but so is life!  Not going to beat myself up I’m back on track now and can hopefully burn off 3.2 lbs in the next two cleanse days tomorrow and saturday so I can be on track for my 187lb goal for Nov 18th!

In other news I’m feeling great just shedding 4.3 lbs has made me feel like I’ve lost 15.  My stomach is less bloated, I’m more regular, and my workouts have been much more exciting.  It’s nice to know your going to the gym to work towards your goals not cancel out the crap you ate the weekend before.  I’ve really missed seeing the scale go down so this past week has been nice. 

I have to thank Isagenix and the wonderful 9 day cleanse for helping me kick start this. The first two days SUCK.  But after that your mood, energy, sleep, EVERYTHING improves.  My skin has also improved in just the 7 days I’ve been doing it.  I don’t want to touch a piece of junk food or anything that will deter me from my goals!


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